Add Store

To add store, click on the form titles: Add Store. Fill the store name field Then save. All stores will therefore be listed on the top of the page

Add Items

To add Items, Click on the store name you want to add Items to then fill the details on the form titled: Add Record then save. This will add the name of the item, the quantity in shop or store, the buying price and the selling price. All items can be seen on the table at the bottom of the page where you can add quantity when you add stock, Remove quantity when you sell stock, Delete the Item and Edit the prices when the prices change


This button lets you create a backup of the transations done. It creates a text file which can be copied and saved somewhere.
To upload it back, save the text files in a csv file and use the upload data form to add them back. The backup data can also be filtered by date. This feature hence should be used constantly to save your data.

Add bulk items Through CSV upload on Desktop only

If you have a file offline with items, you can upload the file through the form titled: "Upload from file" Choose file then click "Load from file". The headers should be in the format of: Name,Stock,Price,Change,Date,Bp,Store,ID Where:
Name is the name of the item,
Stock is the quantity in store,
Price is the Selling Price of the item,
Change is the change in quantity of the item, mostly 0,
Date is the date when the item was entered in store, format is in UTC e.g 2022-03-12T18:51:55.612Z
Bp is the buying price of the item,
Store is the store where the item is at,
ID is the Identifier of the store and the Item in store,

Add bulk items Through Pasting backup text on Mobile and Desktop

If you have a text data saved somewhere e.g whatsapp, you can copy and paste it through the form titled: "Load from Text", Paste the text on the text area field then click "Load from paste". The headers should be in the format of: Name,Stock,Price,Change,Date,Bp,Store,ID Where:
Name is the name of the item,
Stock is the quantity in store,
Price is the Selling Price of the item,
Change is the change in quantity of the item, mostly 0,
Date is the date when the item was entered in store, format is 2022-03-12T18:51:55.612Z
Bp is the buying price of the item,
Store is the store where the item is at,
ID is the Identifier of the store and the Item in store,

Display Trend Chart

This button lets you view the trend of the items selected from the list. You will also see the summary of the total value of the item in the shop/store, the total cost and the profit expected

View Data History

This button will show the table of all the transactions ever done. When clicked, you can filter by dates, and see the summary of the total value of the item in the shop/store, the total cost and the profit collected within the selected days

View Data/ Sell items or add items into store

This button hides the all data table showing all transactions and opens the items table that has the items in the store with the quantity. On the table, you can add Items brought into the shop or sell items sold out